Recycling Market Development Workshop, Peachtree City, GA
July 31, 2018
Crowne Plaza Atlanta SW - 201 Aberdeen Parkway, Peachtree City, GA 30269
Recycled materials and trash should look very different from each other, but for years they have been converging in the U.S. China has not been the creator of today's crisis in the industry - U.S. mills have been complaining for years - but China's recent embargo of U.S. recycling imports is shining a mirror on our recycling industry and providing a clear signal that we can no longer pretend diversion of waste into a recycling bin is recycling.
Material Recovery Facilities can produce quality materials out of both single stream and dual stream inputs, but not when 20+% of the input "recyclable" stream, in some cases, are not recyclables. A combination of "wishful recycling" and insufficient enforcement of quality is proving very damaging to the industry - abysmal and volatile markets, a dirty product that is not a reliable "commodity", closed plants, and programs that are hurting economically.
We cannot continue to act and behave as if business as usual will offer a solution to today's issues. We must fundamentally shift how we speak to the public, how we collect and process our recyclables, and what our end markets accept and utilize to truly recycle.
Join NRC and the Georgia Recycling Coalition for the second in our series of Markets Development Workshops and learn how we can create jobs, improve the quality and quantity of recyclables and increase efficiency in our systems.
- SE Market Overview: Regional and Local Perspective
- Pathways for Strengthening State Economic Development and Recycling (Markets) Programs
- The Recycling Value Chain - We are in This Together!
- End Use Stakeholders - What They Need and How We Can Help
- Break Out Sessions: Materials, Sectors and Cross Pollination/Next Steps/Action Items for Follow-Up
NRC/GRC Member Rate - $85
Non-Member Rate - $115
The third in the series of Recycling Market Development Workshops will be held in Chicago this September. Keep your eye out for an upcoming save the date announcement.
In Memorium
Murray J. Fox's Recycling Legacy
Murray J. Fox passed away in January of 2018 at the age of 93. However, his impact in the recycling industry will continue to live on for generations to come. He funded a scholarship endowment through the National Recycling Coalition (NRC) beginning in 1994, and continued to make donations to the fund throughout the years.
Mr. Fox was a pioneer in U.S. recycling, in many ways setting the foundation for the industry as it is today. With experience in recycling industrial aluminum, glass and plastic waste, he was an important, multi-faceted member of the recycling industry. Along with his impressive body of work, he was also an active member of the NRC and had a passion for sharing his knowledge with youth and empowering them to pursue careers related to recycling.
This passion led him to create the Murray J. Fox Scholarship Fund and, according to the NRC's website, the fund has generated over $112,000 in scholarship money which has been awarded to 66 students. The recipients of the scholarship receive $2,000 to assist their education, complimentary admission to the annual Resource Recycling Conference, and a one year membership to the NRC. Previous recipients of the scholarship have voiced their gratitude for receiving the award. Highlighted below is a quote from a recipient that showcase the broad impact he had on young lives.
Having impacted so many lives during the duration of his life, it is no wonder that his legacy will continue to live on through the youth that he inspired, educated, and empowered to join the recycling community.
College students who have professional interests in recycling and sustainable materials management, and attend school in the Saint Louis, Missouri area, are encouraged to apply for this year's scholarship through the online NRC Scholarship Application. The deadline for the application is August 30, 2018. This year's Resource Recycling Conference will be held in St. Louis, Missouri from October 22 - 24, 2018.
Recycling Scholarships for College Students in Saint Louis Area
College students who have research or professional interests in recycling and attend Saint Louis area schools, are encouraged to apply for scholarships offered through the National Recycling Coalition.
The Murray J. Fox Scholarship Fund was created in 1994, when the long-time member of the NRC started a fund to provide scholarships to college students interested in recycling. Dozens of students have benefitted from Murray’s support. Many are making valuable contributions in the industry. Murray past-away earlier this year. A tribute to him is posted at the NRC web page.
This year, in addition to scholarships, recipients receive complementary admission to the Resource Recycling Conference in St. Louis, 10/22 - 24/2018 as well as a one-year membership in the Coalition’s Emerging Leaders program.
To apply by August 30th, visit
For more information, visit the NRC’s Campus Council or email: [email protected]
NRC Supports Michigan's Recycling Efforts
The National Recycling Coalition Board of Directors recently voted to sign on to a letter supporting an increase to Michigan’s landfill tip fee surcharge to grow recycling in that state by developing sound materials management policies and asustainable funding mechanism.
Signers support the surcharge mechanism and a level of funding that will:
• Assist local planning efforts to meet recycling goals;
• Develop critical recycling programs and infrastructure;
• Ensure currently wasted materials are transformed into new products right;
• Provide local and statewide information on how, why, and where to recycle; and,
• Leverage public and private sector investment in all aspects of sustainable materials management, including material collection, processing, and utilization.
The funding proposal parallels recommended policy changes intended to make needed updates to Michigan solid waste law. Recommendations would expand Department of Environmental Quality oversight to include all sustainable materials management facilities, revive local planning efforts, and encourage the productive capture and utilization of waste materials through benchmark recycling standards.
The funding will enable local communities, and their private-sector partners, to access the tools necessary to reach the goal of tripling Michigan’s recycling rate. The effort is years in the making and the progress to date reflects a level of consensus notpreviously attained. Stakeholders are working towards legislative approval during the lame duck session at the end of 2018.
Does your business, community, or organization have a vested interest in improving recycling in Michigan?
Contact Laura Dobroski at RRS or Kerrin O’Brien at the Michigan Recycling Coalition to learn more about signing on to support recycling in Michigan.
NSCB Needs Your Input!
The National Standards Certification Board (NSCB) of the NRC oversees the accreditation of organizations offering the Certified Sustainable Resource Management Professionals Program. In an effort to ensure that our program continues to be relevant and up to date, we are seeking input from industry professionals. Please take this brief four question survey to help us identify new and emerging recycling and resource management issues that affect how we do our jobs.
Current NRC Affiliates
We thank our affiliated recycling organizations for their continued membership and support! We look forward to another successful year of promoting Sustainable Materials Management in North America together!
- Alabama Recycling Coalition
- California Resource Recovery Association
- Colorado Association for Recycling
- Carolina Recycling Association
- Cooperative Teamwork and Recycling Assistance
- Georgia Recycling Coalition
- Illinois Recycling Association
- Indiana Recycling Coalition
- Iowa Recycling Association
- Michigan recycling Coalition
- Recycling Association of Minnesota
- Missouri Recycling Association
- New Mexico Recycling Coalition
- New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling
- Association of New Jersey Recyclers
- Association of Ohio Recyclers
- Association of Oregon Recyclers
- Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center
- Coalición de Reciclaje de Puerto Rico
- State of Texas Alliance for Recycling
- Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin
Benefits of affiliation include automatic NRC membership for members and voting privileges in NRC elections, free webinar hosting, and more! For more information contact us.
NRC New Staff Member
Sarah DeSouza- Executive Asssistant
Sarah DeSouza comes to NRC with 23 years experience working in local government as a policy analyst. Sarah has a doctorate from the George Washington University and over 18 years experience supporting a seven member Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Sarah is familiar with non-profit organizations and looks forward to working with the NRC Board, Executive Director and partner organizations to further NRC’s sustainability mission.
What We're Reading
How Recycling More Steel and Aluminum Could Slash Imports Without a Trade War, Daniel Cooper, June 19, 2018
NYS Senate Announces "Drug Take Back Act" Has Been Signed Into Law, Caitlin Murphy, July 10, 2018